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When a bicyclist riding a bicycle needs to be picked up or decides to get a ride in a friend’s car they are forced to leave there bike since most bike won’t fit inside of a car without taking extra time taking the seat and tires off then trying to get it inside without getting the car dirty or scratched up. The solution to this problem is to use a bike rack that mounts onto the car and then you mount your bike onto of the rack. Since most people don’t drive around with a bike rack on their car all the time since it’s ugly and they can’t use their trunks and since there too big and bulky to carry around while you’re riding your bike I decided to design a bike rack that fits inside the frame and unfolds to attach to the car’s trunk for transporting the bike by car. I designed the rack to have three arms that fold inside the frame, two arms on the top  that rotate  out straight and one on the bottom that folds down and is shaped like a T, the rack also has six straps two on the top, two on the bottom, one on the left, and one on the right. After analysis of the weight of the bike and the length of the arms I was able to calculate the thickness required for the arms to support the weight of the bike and they type of mater


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